Sunday, July 29, 2007

Week 8 Thing 19 Library Thing Favorites

Week 8 Thing 18

Google docs is an online word processing program that allows you to create, edit, save, email and publish your work. Others can also, if you like, edit.

The above two sentences were created with Google Docs. I decided to go their instead of the other suggested website because I already have an account. I can see the usefulness of this site especially if you never know which computer you are going to be on. You can always access your documents. Also I have trouble with my students being able to pull up what they have created at home--(on floppies etc) This way they should be able to access whatever they have created.

I can also see the usefulness of the editing tool. Teachers could use this to grade or indicate errors in the students work using the highlighting too--students could then go back and correct and publish their work. The end to "red ink"!

I went back and made a change to what I had first created on Google docs and then reposted to the blog. When I did that I lost all the musings on the subject I had first written after I returned to the blog posting and was forced to rewrite them. That seems to be a drawback.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 7 Thing 16 & 17

Explore wikis. I visited all the links in the SLL2.0 list, then I visited some blogs of others participating in the program and read their comments and ideas on wikis. After reading comments by Mad Cardinal Reader I decided rather than try the pbwiki I would go with Wetpaint. I created a wiki there for the media specialists in my district to use for planning, collaboration, and scheduling meetings. We have previously done this by email, but I'm thinking this might just work. I have only invited 3 others at present and I don't think I gave them any rights. I need to go back and look at that. I was very easy to do and I can see us getting much use from it. ---Initially to chart the professional development meetings for the year with the host schools identified.

I then went to the SLL2.0 wiki and posted idea #28 under wikis.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 6 Task 14 ending

The task was to read some articles and blogs on the future of Web 2.0 and its impact on the future of libraries. I have done some reading and somehow ended up on the Bessie Chin Library Leaves blog that discussed the meeting of the International School Library Association in Taipei, Taiwan. The following link is to the blog and a statement that was of interest to me . Look at the entry for Saturday, July 21st. I really am not sure how 2.0 savy my 4 - 6 graders are. I am looking forward to getting back to school so I can see how much of what we have worked on is blocked with our blocking software.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Thanks to a posting on PageSpace blog I found you could post tag clouds on the blog. So that I did. Now I have my cloud and like PageSpace said I think I am moving on.

Week 6 Thing 14 Completed

Sometimes it just takes the light of day to accomplish task. When the website says post something to the template---that's what you have to do. Not to the body of a post. Finally it is done. Now if I can just get a cloud of tags I will be happy.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Week 6 Thing 14plus

Explore Technorati and see how tags work. I claimed my blog through Technorati and created some tags and will try to add a favorite button on bookladyspeaks...................
I think it worked let me view blog....................... Great, it did. BUT when I clicked on it I got an error message so let me try again. Three times now and link still doesn't work.

No tags yet, but why is there a screwdriver under my Avatar?

I got the tag! It's really helpful to read the hints on the School Library Learning page. DUHHH!

This exploration tonight has been challenging and somewhat confusing. If I am right now you can read my blog at my blog's url and also on Technorati.

The one thing I wanted on my blog was a cloud of tags--is that possible? The tag clouds remind me of something we did as teenage girls 40 odd years ago--we would cut words out of magazines and glue them on bottles--in a collage, completely covering the bottle and then painting the bottle with shellac. We spent hours looking for just the right words to use. As the commercial once said "We've come a long way baby!"

tags ancestors art bible books cats children's currentevents education fun Genealogy images juvenile library librarylessons news photo professionaldevelopment reference RSS scarystories schoollibrarylearning2.0 series slideshow study technology tutorials Ussery web2.0

I went to and copied my tag cloud and pasted it into the blog. Doesn't look like a cloud here but it is satisfying enough that I'm going to bed.

Not yet, one more attempt

Week 6 Thing 14

Explore Technorati
When I went to Technorati and searched for my blog (after searching School Library 2.0) I found 1 authority listed by an entry. It was from Rob Darrow of California Dreamin'. I went to his blog and there mine was along with a comment about mashup postings. Wow. That was unexpected.

It seems to take me several visits to find things out and complete all the tasks. I will try tagging next. I have noticed on several blogs the tags following the entries--is this what I am going to be getting? That will be a "this afternoon task".

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week 6 Thing 13

Explore View 12 introductory tutorial---After several days of trying this link still does not work. Explore using SJLibrarylearning2 account. I did look around using this. I created an account on added buttons to my toolbar and moved some bookmarks I had on my pc to the one. I added tags to them. Usefulness? not sure yet. The link to us.ef.ul helped me to do the adding, signing up, tagging, etc. I read Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users and found some other areas I need to explore. Will reserve judgement for a while.

I do like the concept of tags as a cloud rather than a list. Appeals to the global side of me.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 5 Thing 12 (revisited)

Rollyo Another library 2.0 participant had a cute little red rollyo picture on her website, but for some reason I didn't get that. However, the option to search the inventor websites as a selectable search engine.

I went back and figured that out too. This is definitely a work, rework, and rework to learn experience.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week 5 Thing 12

I played around with rollyo, registered, created a search list about inventors but for the life of me could not get it on the blog. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Week 5 Thing 11

I went to the Web 2.0 awards list and looked at several sites. I especially enjoyed Guess-the-Google It was fun for me and on one game I broke 300. You know how in the language arts classroom you sometimes play Categories--I think this might be adaptable to that situation. I don't know though how appropriate the images would be. I know on the image wall in Bloglines there was a qualifier that photos possibly could be x-rated (my words not theirs) and sure enough one was on the wall I saw.

Also the One Sentence appealed to the writer side of me.

And 43 Things was fun to read.

Thank goodness this blogspot saves as a draft if you click off of it by accident. I momentarily thought I was going to have to type all of this over.

I visited the Library Thing and decided I would rather be reading than fooling around with it.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Week 5 Thing 10

Play with image generators

The above posts were made with

Monday, July 2, 2007

Week 4 Thing 8 & 9

I set up a Bloglines account and added some feeds. Will give it a try for a week or so. Don't know if this will be helpful to my situation or not. Most everything we are trying is right now blocked at school. Our tech guys can unblock if we need certain sites though. Use in the classroom? Maybe a current events activity or health classes. As far as comics are concerned the one that is my favorite did not have a feed.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Flick Cube

Cool Slideshows!

Week Three Thing 7

Blog about anything technology related. Hhmmmm? So much technology out there and it is changing so fast. My first classroom computer was an APPLE IIE. Remember the game "The Oregon Trail" that we played on these? My son is 26 and he remembers it fondly. Where else did the students learn the word dysentery?

One of my favorite technology finds this year is a flyer drive. That drag and drop is wonderful.